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Growing up Wild Vol. 2

Growing up Wild Vol. 2


1. Rainy Day

Don't let the soggy weather turn you into a hermit crab! As the rain falls down be prepared to have fun with the Wild brothers! Grab your surfboard and see that a walk down memory land leads them on a tropical island getaway.


2. New Discoveries

What wonderful treasures are just waiting to be found? Come face to face with a giant phasimd, beautiful butterglies, and eternal riches in this episdoe of discovery! 


3. Hiking Adventure

The Wild brothers are heading on a Hikinh Adventure! In this episode you will see and hear the many sounds of a moungtian raif forest. Grab your backpack and a bag of marshmallows because we are going camping!

SKU: 364115376135191

    46 minutes total

    Activity Guide included for each episode!

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